010MountWheel.jpg 2012-03-20 10:13 81K 768 x 831 Mount wheel tube on motor axle |
020MountMotors.jpg 2012-03-20 10:20 54K 1024 x 355 Mount motors to a stick. Make sure same side of both motors are facing you. |
030TurnOver.jpg 2012-03-20 10:27 86K 1024 x 443 When glue hardens, turn over to mount other side of motor frame. |
040MarkStick.jpg 2012-03-20 10:33 58K 768 x 521 Mark stick for frame width |
050MountBodyStick.jpg 2012-03-20 10:43 50K 768 x 534 Glue on body stick |
060DoubleCheckMotorDirection.jpg 2012-03-20 10:50 108K 1024 x 960 Check that motors are aligned with + in the center, and robot moves forward, tadpole style |
065AttachDiodes.jpg 2012-03-21 08:21 75K 1024 x 523 Attach diodes to motors with stripe towards positive motor terminal |
070MountTransistor.jpg 2012-03-20 10:57 102K 1024 x 680 Mount the two pins on your right as you look at the curved side of a transistor in the TO92 package to the edge and sweeper pins of a 10-20K potentiometer |
075MountPowerTransistor.jpg 2012-03-20 11:04 84K 1024 x 656 Mount transistor gate and source to edge and sweeper pin of a 10K to 20K potentiomenter |
090AttachCdS.jpg 2012-03-20 11:25 79K 1024 x 646 Attach wire connecting positive terminals of motors and one leg of the CdS cells |
100CrissCrossCdS.jpg 2012-03-20 11:28 80K 1024 x 562 Wire other side of CdS cell to gate of opposite side transistor. |
105AttachToGate.jpg 2012-03-20 11:31 91K 1024 x 564 Gate on power MOSFET packages is usually on the left when reading the markings. |
106otherSideGate.jpg 2012-03-20 11:34 51K 768 x 457 Gate on other side. In this case, one pin is missing from potentiometer, so I had to use alternate pins on this double potentiometer. |
110WireToDrain.jpg 2012-03-20 11:37 110K 1280 x 654 Solder wires to drain of transistors |
120WireDrainToMotorMinus.jpg 2012-03-20 11:41 74K 1024 x 652 Wire transistor drains to corresponding motor "minus" tabs |
130ClipCanHelp.jpg 2012-03-20 11:44 50K 768 x 426 Wire Source's to ground.
Note than when wiring to al already soldered connection, attaching an alagator clip can protect existing joing from heat of new solder connection. |
140GroundSources.jpg 2012-03-20 11:47 83K 1024 x 480 Connect Source on both transistors, they will both be connected to the ground (minus) of the battery. |
150ConnectGround.jpg 2012-03-21 08:08 69K 1024 x 393 Connect battery minus (ground) wire to one of the transistor source pins.
This pin should also be connected to the other transistor source to form the ground bus. |
160ConnectBatteryPlus.jpg 2012-03-21 08:11 60K 768 x 647 Connect the battery plus wire to the positive terminals on the motors. |
170AttachBattery.jpg 2012-03-21 08:14 104K 1024 x 692 Battery can now be connected. |
180adjustSensorPosition.jpg 2012-03-21 08:18 111K 1024 x 741 Adjust sensor positions to point towards the expected position of the guiding light source. |